Week Report 4

Complete the following tasks

1. Complete Week Report 4. Your report must contain the following:

  1. Create a file inside the weekReports directory that is located inside the cis106 directory. Name this file, wr4.md
  2. You will complete the week report inside the wr4.md file. Your report must contain:
    • Screenshots from each practice from the presentation The Linux File system:
      • Take a screenshot of your terminal showing all the commands, or most of the commands, you used to complete each practice.
      • Place all your screenshots in your week report 4 file.
      • Make sure to label each practice using heading 2 or heading 3 markdown formatting.

2. Complete Notes 4

All the information can be found here:

  1. Create a file in the notes directory named notes4.md.
  2. The file must be properly formatted using bold, code formatting and headings
  3. The file must contain the following:
    1. Each of the commands used for navigating the file system
      1. for each command include: Description, usage/formula, and examples (3 or more if available)
  4. Definitions of the following terms:
    1. File system
    2. pathname
    3. Absolute path
    4. Relative path
    5. The difference between your home directory and the home directory
    6. parent directory
    7. child directory or subdirectory
    8. Bash special characters
    9. environment variables
    10. user defined variables
    11. Why do we need use $ with variables in bash shell scripting?

3. Complete lab 4 The linux File System

  • Please do this after you complete the Week report and class notes! Trust me, it is better this way.
  • Instructions here

4. Complete discussion boards

  • Work on your next discussion board

What will you submit:

  1. Convert wr4.md to pdf
  2. Push everything to github:
  3. In blackboard submit:
    1. URL to wr4.md in github
    2. The pdf file wr4.pdf

Special Note 1

Please take a snapshot of your virtual machine after you complete the report. The virtual machine is must be off before you take the snapshot. This process is show in the video You should have at least 2 snapshots of your vm. Keep in mind that snapshots take space. For Mac Users using UTM, snapshots are not supported therefore ignore this. Just keep your repository updated on github in case of a catastrophic failure.

Special Note 2

You are going to be using the git commands a lot. Here is a quick reference:

  • git clone repository/url/here: is the command to clone a repository where cloning means downloading a repository to your computer
  • git pull: to pull/synchronize your repository from github to your local machine. Always run this command BEFORE you start working VS Code
  • git add .: to track all the changes made to your file.
  • git commit -m "label for your changes here": this command will label all the changes you added with the add command
  • git push: will send all your changes to your github repository

Special Note 3:

  • The final exam is in person.
  • The exam is performance based and will require access to a Linux Virtual Machine.
  • If you do not have a laptop/computer you can bring to school, a Linux Computer will be made available to you.