Install Ubuntu Server 20.04 In VirtualBox

Step 1

  1. Download Ubuntu Server 24.04 iso file.
    Ubuntu Server Download Page

Step 2

  1. Create a virtual machine that meets Ubuntu Server 24.04 Minimun requirements..
    1. The minimum system requirements are:
      1. CPU: 1 core
      2. RAM: 1 gigabyte or more
      3. Disk: a minimum of 30 gigabytes create ubuntu server vm

Step 3

  1. Turn on Virtual Machine
  2. Start the installer. Start the installer
    Select Language
    Select Keyboard layout
    Type of installation
    set network ip
    proxy page
    mirror address
    use entire disk
    use entire disk 2
    Confirm Storage Settings
    User creation
    Ubuntu Pro Selection
    ssh server
    3rd party drivers
    extra software
    Installation done
    Press enter