Week Report 2

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Week Report 2 Spring 24

Complete the following tasks

  1. Complete lab 2 - Installing Ubuntu 24.04.
  2. If you have not done so, complete week report 1, lab 1 and Discussion Board 1. You cannot complete Lab 2 if you have not catched up!
  3. Complete Discussion Board 2 - The history of Linux. Note: you can do this later as the due date is the end of the semester.
  4. Complete Notes 2. This and everything else from this point on must be completed inside Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 (your virtual machine). Windows/MacOS will no longer be used. Therefore you MUST complete lab 2 before attempting the report and the notes.
  5. Complete this week’s Week Report.

What will you include in your notes?

Note: folder and directory mean the same thing!

  1. Create a folder inside your CIS106 folder called notes
  2. Inside the notes directory/folder create a new folder called notes1 and notes2
  3. Move the files that are related to notes1 to the notes1 directory/folder.
  4. Open the cis106 directory/folder inside vs code.
  5. Using vs code file manager, create a file inside the notes2 directory called notes2.md
  6. In the file notes2.md, answer the following questions. Make sure to use proper markdown syntax to make your notes file look presentable. Use headings, paragraphs and bullet point formatting. This, at a minimun, should make your file look presentable. NO SCREENSHOTS! All the information to answer the questions can be found in the Lecture 2 presentation Introduction to Linux and The basics of virtualization
Lecture 2 Introduction to Linux Notes (this is the tittle of the document - Heading 1 formatting please!)

1. What is an Operating System?
2. What is a kernel?
3. Which other parts aside from the kernel identfy an OS?
4. What is linux?
5. What is a linux distribution?
6. List at least 4 linux characteristics:
7. What is Ubuntu?
8. What is Debian?
9. List and define the different types of licensing agreements
10. What is Free Software? Define the 4 freedoms.
11. What is virtualization?
12. List 3 benefits of virtualization
13. What is a hypervisor? Include definitions of the 2 types
14. What is the difference between Guest OS and Host OS?
15. What is virtualbox?

What will you submit for your week report:

Note: Since you already completed lab2, the remaining of the work in this course will be completed inside the Ubuntu virtual machine. Windows/MacOS will not be used for the remaining of the course!!! PLEASE DO NOT EDIT OR UPLOAD FILES TO GITHUB VIA THE WEBSITE. You must use VS Code Terminal to commit and push to your repository. If you decide to ignore this. You are on your own. If you don’t understand, please ask! This report can only be completed after lab 2!

  1. Create a folder inside the weekReports folder called wr2. You probably did this already during lab 2.
  2. Open the cis106 folder in VS Code
  3. Inside the wr2 folder, create a file called wr2.md
  4. Add a link to your notes and lab2 markdown files in github.
  5. Add a screenshot of your Ubuntu Desktop with a terminal open or firefox in the cis106.com website
  6. Convert the wr2.md file to pdf
  7. Push all the changes to github
  8. In blackboard, submit the URL to the wr2.md file and the pdf file wr2.pdf

Special Note 1

Please take a snapshot of your virtual machine after you complete the report. The virtual machine is must be off before you take the snapshot. This process is show in the video

Special Note 2

You are going to be using the git commands a lot. Here is a quick reference:

  • git clone repository/url/here: is the command to clone a repository where cloning means downloading a repository to your computer
  • git pull: to pull/synchronize your repository from github to your local machine. Always run this command BEFORE you start working VS Code
  • git add .: to track all the changes made to your file.
  • git commit -m "label for your changes here": this command will label all the changes you added with the add command
  • git push: will send all your changes to your github repository