Final Project Description


The goal of this project is to host a simple website (1-page site) in a web server. You will be installing Ubuntu Server in a virtual machine and managing the server from another computer. That computer can be your Host Machine (Windows) or the Ubuntu Desktop virtual machine that we use in the course. The project will give you basic/initial exposure to the following technologies:

  • Virtualization (VirtualBox)
  • Ubuntu Server
  • Apache
  • SSH
  • HTML
  • Markdown
  • VS Code

The project is divided into 3 deliverables. It is done this way, so you can work slowly through the semester as you gain more knowledge working with Ubuntu Desktop. This also allows you to earn a grade as the semester progresses because the final grade is divided equally among the 3 deliverables. The final project is 20% of your final grade, however, this can change, therefore do not skip any deliverable!

Each deliverable will be submitted as a Markdown document in your GitHub Repository. You will also be required to submit a PDF version of each deliverable, just in case something happens to your GitHub Repository.

No late submission will be accepted. This project is due on Dec 21st.


  • A virtual machine/PC where you can install Ubuntu Server. A Virtual machine will be preferred since everything in the tutorials will be done in a virtual machine.

This is the main tutorial we will follow:

Here are some sources you can use to investigate:

Deliverable 1: Project’s Requirements

Old Video with more details is available here
Newer and shorter video is available here
Image resize tool
**Example of how the deliverable should look like here

For deliverable 1, we are going to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Read the tutorial. Write down every concept you don’t understand and research them.
  2. Answer The following questions:
    • What is a web server? Hardware and software side
    • What are some different web server applications?
    • What is virtualization?
    • What is virtualbox?
    • What is a virtual machine?
    • What is Ubuntu Server?
    • What is a firewall?
    • What is SSH?

To demonstrate the completion of deliverable 1, the student needs to submit a markdown and pdf file where all the questions are answered. Here you can find an example of how the document should look like.

Deliverable 2 Installing Ubuntu Server And Apache

*Video:Deliverable 2 Latest Video 0-100!


Follow this guide to install Ubuntu Server and Apache. After completing the installation, answer the following questions. You must type your answer and take screenshots of the commands and their output.

  1. What are the server hardware specifications (virtual machine settings)? Take a screenshot - don’t type it!
  2. What is Ubuntu server log in screen? Take screenshot - do not type it!
  3. What is the IP address of your Ubuntu Server Virtual Machine?
  4. How do you enable the Ubuntu Firewall?
  5. How do you check if the Ubuntu Firewall is running?
  6. How do you disable the Ubuntu Firewall?
  7. How do you add Apache to the Firewall?
  8. What is the command you used to install Apache?
  9. What is the command you use to check if Apache is running?
  10. What is the command you use to stop Apache?
  11. What is the command you use to restart Apache?
  12. What is the command used to test Apache configuration?
  13. What is the command used to check the installed version of Apache?

    Reviewing logs is an essential part of system administration; read the tutorial “How To Troubleshoot Common Apache Errors”. After you have finished reading the tutorial, answer the following questions:

  14. What are the most common commands to troubleshoot Apache errors? Provide a brief description of each command.
  15. Which are Apache Log Files, and what are they used for? Provide examples and screenshots.

To demonstrate the completion of deliverable 2, the student must submit a markdown and pdf file where all the questions are answered. Here you can find an example of how the document should look like.

Deliverable 3 Hosting a simple website

Video:Deliverable 3 Latest Video 0-100!

For this deliverable, you have 2 options; Pick one!

Option 1: Resume

  • Create a simple resume of yourself. Here is an example of the kind of information to include:
  • You do not need to include a photo of yourself, instead use a stock photo
    • You can find stock photos here:
  • Once you have created your markdown file, convert the file to HTML.
  • Compress all the files into a single archive so that they are easier to move.
  • Send the files to the server.
  • Once you have transferred the archive to the server, decompress the archive and move the files to their respective folder so that they can be served by the web server.
  • Open your website in the browser of your host computer or Ubuntu desktop computer and take a screenshot of the browser.
  • To demonstrate the completion of this deliverable, submit the following:
    • The URL to the GitHub repository in the final project folder where I can find all the files you used for creating the site including the markdown file, HTML file and the images.
    • The screenshot of your website running

Option 2: A simple site

  • Create a markdown file that contains instructions on how to set up a Web Server in Ubuntu Server. Include screenshots where you find them necessary. Make sure to explain each command that is necessary. Your Deliverable must contain the following:
    • Introduction (Keep it simple)
    • Basic terminology that the reader must know
    • Step-by-step instructions
    • Step 1: Installing VirtualBox
    • Step 2: Installing Ubuntu Server
    • Step 3: Installing Apache
    • Step 4: Setting up the firewall
  • After creating the markdown file, convert the markdown file to PDF.
  • Rename the PDF to index.html
  • Compress all the files, including images, in an archive and transfer the file to your web server
  • Decompress the archive in your web server and move all the files to their proper destination.
  • Open your site in the host computer or Ubuntu desktop computer and take a screenshot.
  • To demonstrate the completion of this deliverable, submit the following:
    • The URL to the GitHub repository in the final project folder where I can find all the files you used for creating the site including the markdown file, HTML file and the images.
    • The screenshot of your website running