Lab 1 - Learning Markdown

Video here

Question 1: VS CODE

  1. Install VS Code
  2. If you find the VS Code interface complicated or too unfamiliar, watch this video before you continue with the lab.

Question 2: Github Account

  1. Create a github account using your PCCC email address. Make sure to save your github username, email, and password somewhere safe (like a password manager). You will need it a lot! If you already have a github account, you are allowed to use it.
  2. Create a public repository called cis106 LOWERCASE PLEASE!
    1. Here is a video on how to create a github account and repository.
  3. Do not close the github page, you will need it later.

Question 3: Learning Markdown

  1. In your Documents folder, create a folder called lab1 LOWERCASE PLEASE!
  2. Enable file extensions in Windows explorer.
  3. Read the presentation ‘What is Markdown’
  4. During this presentation you will complete several practice exercises. Make sure to place all the files inside the lab1 folder.
  5. You will need some exercise files that are reference in the presentation. Use this URL to download the zip file that contains the files. Uncompress/decompress the zip file in the lab1 folder. This is not the same as opening the zip file. You will need to copy or move the files to the lab1 folder.
  6. Download the markdown cheat sheet before you start the challenge question. The cheat sheet can be found in the presentation

  • The goal of this lab is to learn and practice markdown.
  • Please follow along in the video as I will be completing the practice there.
  • Once you complete the practice, do the challenge question

Question 4: Challenge Question

Scenario: Your friend, John Doe, has asked you to make a 1 page resume for him. He has given you all his information in a text file and a picture for you to use. Since you have recently learned about markdown, you want to write his resume in markdown and then give him the PDF.

  1. Inside the lab1 folder, create a folder called: challenegeQuestion One word, no space, camel case PLEASE!
  2. Using markdown, create a 1 page resume for John Doe. Name the file and place it inside the challengeQuestion
  3. Everything you need to create the markdown file was provided with the file you downloaded earlier.
  4. Once the markdown file is created, convert the file to pdf.
  5. This is how the PDF file should look like when you are done.
    PS. The Preview may not look like the finish product however the image and table must render correctly!

What will you upload to Github:

The entire lab1 folder. Every single file must be in your github repository!

I do this in the video so there should be no excuses.


In blackboard, submit the following:

  • The PDF file of ubuntu.pdf. This is the file your converted when you finished all the practice in this lab.
  • The MD file
  • The md file This is john doe’s resume.
  • The pdf file resume.pdf. This is john doe’s resume in pdf format.
  • The URL to your github repository

Here is how I will grade you:

  1. I will go to your github repository, I will check that you complete all the practice from the video that is 25 points. Having the file complete is proof of this
  2. I will check that you completed the challenge question that is 50 points. Having the file properly formatted is proof of this.
  3. If I cannot find the files in Github, you will not be awarded a passing grade for this lab.
  4. I will check that you uploaded all the files I asked for in blackboard. This is 25 Points.

Late submissions will be penalized 20 points. See blackboard for due date

If you need more practice in markdown, see the Extra Section of the page. There you will find an extra practice for this lab. We can review your work on a 1:1 meeting at the time of your choosing as long as I have availability via Zoom.

Special Note Regarding the final exam:

  • The final exam is in person.
  • The exam is performance based and will require access to a Linux Virtual Machine.
  • If you do not have a laptop/computer you can bring to school, a Linux Computer will be made available to you.
  • You will be required to use markdown during your final exam.