How to install NodeJS and NPM in Ubuntu

This was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04


The Digital Ocean article discusses multiple ways of getting this done. I prefer using node version manager because it allows me to have more than 1 version.

  1. Run this command:
curl -o-
  1. If it does not return an error repeat the command and pipe it to bash
curl -o- | bash && source $HOME/.bashrc
  1. Now check which versions of node are avaialable:
nvm list-remote
  1. Basic nvm commands:

Basic Syntax of Node Version Manager

Command Description
nvm ls-remote Lists all available versions of Node
nvm ls Lists all locally installed versions
nvm install node Installs the newest release of Node
nvm install <version> Installs the given release of Node
nvm use <version> Switches and uses the given Node release
nvm which <version> Shows path to the given Node version
nvm current Shows what is the currently used Node version
nvm alias default <version> Sets the default Node version to the given version
nvm unalias <alias_name> Deletes the alias named
nvm --help Shows NVM help documents.
nvm exec <version> node app.js Run Node app.js with the PATH pointing to given node version
nvm set-colors cgYmW Set text colors to cyan, green, bold yellow, magenta, and white
nvm run <version> app.js Run app.js using given Node version
nvm install-latest-npm Update your version of npm if you use Node installed through nvm
nvm root <path> Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js.
nvm proxy [url] Set a proxy to use for downloads. Leave [url] blank to see the current proxy. Set [url] to “none” to remove the proxy.
nvm -v Check if nvm is installed
nvm uninstall <version> Un-Install a specific version
nvm ls Show versions available locally
nvm uninstall --lts Uninstall the latest long term support version



  • The npm stands for Node Package Manager and it is the default package manager for Node.js.
  • It is written entirely in JavaScript, developed by Isaac Z. Schlueter.
  • NPM manages all the packages and modules for node.js and consists of command-line client npm.

    Cheat cheat

Command Description
npm i Alias for npm install
npm install Install everything in package.json
npm install --production Install everything in package.json, except devDependecies
npm install lodash Install a package
npm install --save-dev lodash Install as devDependency
npm install --save-exact lodash Install with exact
npm list Lists the installed versions of all dependencies in this software
npm list -g --depth 0 Lists the installed versions of all globally installed packages
npm view Lists the latest versions of all dependencies in this software
npm outdated Lists only the dependencies in this software which are outdated
npm update Update production packages
npm update --dev Update dev packages
npm update -g Update global packages
npm update lodash Update a package
npm rm lodash Remove package production packages
npm i sax NPM package
npm i sax@latest Specify tag latest
npm i sax@3.0.0 Specify version 3.0.0
npm i sax@">=1 <2.0" Specify version range
npm i @org/sax Scoped NPM package
npm i user/repo GitHub
npm i user/repo#master GitHub
npm i github:user/repo GitHub
npm i gitlab:user/repo GitLab
npm i /path/to/repo Absolute path
npm i ./archive.tgz Tarball
npm i Tarball via HTTP
npm version 1.2.3 Bump the package version to 1.2.3
npm version major Bump the major package version by 1 (1.2.3 → 2.0.0)
npm version minor Bump the minor package version by 1 (1.2.3 → 1.3.0)
npm version patch Bump the patch package version by 1 (1.2.3 → 1.2.4)
npm owner add USERNAME PACKAGENAME Add someone as an owner
npm deprecate PACKAGE@"< 0.2.0" "critical bug fixed in v0.2.0" Adds warning to those that install a package of old versions
npm update [-g] PACKAGE update all packages, or selected packages
npm outdated [PACKAGE] Check for outdated packages


  • The npx stands for Node Package Execute and it comes with the npm, when you installed npm above 5.2.0 version then automatically npx will installed.
  • It is an npm package runner that can execute any package that you want from the npm registry without even installing that package.
  • The npx is useful during a single time use package. If you have installed npm below 5.2.0 then npx is not installed in your system.

Cheat cheat

Command description
npx server <folder-name> Create local server
npx pretty-quick Format using prettier
npx envinfo Show system info
npx envinfo --preset <package-name> To show system info and show specific npm packages info
npx json-server <json-file-link> Run a json server with .json file
npx sort-package-json Sort package.json file
npx npm-upgrade Check for node module updates and update them interactively
npx gvi <package-name> Get the package version information
npx set-default-browser <browser-name> Set any browser as default browser via cli
npx npkill Delete node_modules
npx fx <file.json> View JSON from terminal
