Markdown Extra Practice

If you wish to practice more markdown, try to recreate the following documents in markdown:

Document 1

Create a markdown document from this page, that contains the following:

  1. Several sections of paragraphs
  2. ordered and unordered lists
  3. A couple of images
    1. The Linux mascot
    2. Linux distributions logos
    3. Desktop environment screenshots
  4. At least 1 table.

Try to make the document look as professional as possible

Document 2

To practice note taking and code formatting, use this introduction to python website and create a 1 page document that shows how to get started with python. You just simply include the following:
Learn the Basics

  • Hello, World!
  • Variables and Types
  • Lists
  • Basic Operators
  • String Formatting
  • Basic String Operations
  • Conditions
  • Loops

Document 3

To practice tables, use the following images and create a pdf file that contains all of these tables:

Table 1



table 3

You can download the images from here