Bash Functions

A function is just a small reusable pease of code. It does something and return its result back to the program. It can also return nothing.

1. Bash Basic function

# Option 1
function function_name() {
    # body of function here

# Option 2
    # body of function here

# to call function:
  • Keep in Mind
    • Bash functions do not return values. They can return:
      • An exit status using return
      • A value using a variable (global or local)
      • value via STDOUT - This requests command substitution

2. Return an exit status

# Checks if $1 exist. 0 = true, 1 = false
    [ -f "$1" ] && return 0 || return 1 

potato "$1"
# We can then use the $? to create logic with the exit status code.

[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$1 exist" || echo "$1 doesn't exist"

3. Returning values with variables

# Using a global variable:
    greeting="Good Morning, $1"
potato "Mary"
echo "$greeting"

# Using local variable
    local name="$1"
    local age="$2"
    local email="$3"
    echo -e "Hello $name\nAt $age you will need a bigger boat.\n\tSent from $email"

potato "Mary" "43" ""

4. Returning value with command substitution

potato() {
    local greeting="Hello, $1!"
    echo "$greeting"

result=$(potato "Bobby")
echo "$result" 

5. Can I return a status code and value at the same time?

Yes. Here is an example:

    local numb=$1
    if (( numb % 2 == 0 ))
        echo "even"
        return 0
        echo "not even"
        return 1

result=$(is_even $1)
echo "the $1 number is $result"

Side Note: The example script above has a couple of gotchas. If you pass a letter instead of a number it tells you that it is even. How so?? Well, bash does arithmetic evaluation using ((...)) inside these parentheses everything is an integer. This means that every non-integer character is considered a 0 by bash. Notice that I said integer and not number. That is because bash does not support floating point numbers. You need an external utility (like bc) to handle floating point numbers. The next gotcha is the lack of $ in the numb variable. As you already know, in order to access the value of a variable, you need to preface it with a $, however, because the ((...)) are already expecting an integer, the $ becomes optional. The script below is a complete version that handles non integer input.

is_even() {
    local numb=$1

    # Ensure the input is a number
    if ! [[ "$numb" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        echo "Error: Input is not an integer"
        return 2 # Use a special return code for invalid input

    # Proceed with even/odd check
    if (( numb % 2 == 0 )); then
        echo "even"
        return 0
        echo "not even"
        return 1

# Call the function with the user's input
result=$(is_even "$1")

# Check the return code
if [ $status_code -eq 2 ]; then
    echo "Invalid input: $1 is not an integer."
    echo "The $1 number is $result."

5.1. Whats up with the arguments?

Just like your script, functions take arguments (positional parameters). These work the same way. Say that you run the script ./ john carla with the following code:

echo "parameter/argument 1: $1"
echo "parameter/argument 2: $2"
	echo "In the function 1: $1"
	echo "In the function 2: $2"
potato "peter" "jane"
echo "Passing the same parameters to the function:"
potato "$1" "$2"

The output will be:

parameter/argument 1: john
parameter/argument 2: carla
In the function 1: peter
In the function 2: jane
Passing the same parameters to the function:
In the function 1: john
In the function 2: carla

Notice that lines 1 and 2 have the arguments we passed to script but lines 3 and 4 have the arguments we passed to the function. You can passed the same arguments you gave to the script to the function too as you can see in lines 7 and 8

6. Move advanced examples of functions

6.1. Returning the content of an array

all_ip_addresses() {
    local ips=("" "" "")
    echo "${ips[@]}"
for ip in ${array[@]}
	ping -c 4 $ip

6.2. Returning an array with mapfile

potato() {
    local dir="$1"
    local fname="$2"
    find "$dir" -iname "*$fname" -type f -print0

# Use process substitution to pass the function's output to mapfile
mapfile -d '' search < <(potato "$1" "$2")

# Access array elements
echo "First member: ${search[0]}"
echo "Last member: ${search[-1]}"
echo "Length: ${#search[@]}"
# Process each file
for file in "${search[@]}"; do
    # Display file details in a formatted way
    ls -lhgG --time-style=+%D "$file" | grep -v "total" | column -t

Side note: The print0 option of the find command command is used to handle files with special characters in the name (ex. spaces). print0 tells find to separate filenames with a null character (\0) instead of a newline.

6.3. Using an associative array


# Function to get disk usage as an associative array
get_disk_usage() {

    declare -A disk_info
    local df_output
    df_output=$(df -h / | tail -1)

    disk_info[total]=$(echo "$df_output" | awk '{print $2}') 
    disk_info[used]=$(echo "$df_output" | awk '{print $3}') 
    disk_info[available]=$(echo "$df_output" | awk '{print $4}')
    disk_info[usage_percent]=$(echo "$df_output" | awk '{print $5}')

    # Return the associative array
    echo "$(declare -p disk_info)"

# Call the function and capture the associative array
eval "$(get_disk_usage)"

# Access and display the values from the associative array
echo "Disk Usage Information for '/':"
echo -e "Total Space:\t${disk_info[total]}"
echo -e "Used Space:\t${disk_info[used]}"
echo -e "Avail. Space:\t${disk_info[available]}"
echo -e "Usage %:\t${disk_info[usage_percent]}"

Side Note: declare -p disk_info outputs the array definition as a string that can be re-evaluated using eval.